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GB Course Refund Request

So this fella was feeling frustrated. He had actually taken a step, but one step is not enough. I have a strict refund policy on my courses. I will HAPPILY give one IF people show me they took action. In this case it was trying at least 10 tests before throwing in the towel. Now I know where he’s coming from as there are a lot of scammers out there online. Some guys don’t actually do what they teach! They buy a course, watch it then make their own course on how to do what was in the course they bought! That’s not how I roll. I do this stuff for a living AND teach people how to do it too.

So I know it works. But I get frustrated sometimes watching people flounder, then come up with lame excuses as to why they can’t do something. Negative beliefs are a powerful thing. I personally spent about a year in therapy after my divorce because of negative beliefs. I still fall back to those sometimes even to this day. The key is our mindset. Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right! So why not just THINK you can. It makes such a massive, gigantic, life changing difference when you start believing you’re worth it, you deserve it and you’re going to get what you want. That’s when success happens.

I love this video. This guy made my day. Have a look and then ask yourself, do you have a negative belief system holding you back? Can you do anything about it? (Hint: you probably do and you most certainly CAN do something about it). Oh and here’s the course that this whole refund policy video is all about:

GB Course Refund Request

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