Consulting Edition

PPC Coach Consulting Edition

Do You Need Some 1 on 1 Support From An Expert Pay Per Click Marketer?

Consulting Edition
Our PPC Coach Consulting Edition is designed to provide you with the 1 on 1 support and advice you need. We provide 1 on 1 consulting via Skype, AIM or Gotomeeting. We can provide the following in from our consulting:

  • Account reviews, get a professional opinion on how to maximize your ROI.
  • Training your employees, we can provide private webinars for just your group online.
  • Answering any questions you have about your PPC campaigns.
  • Discuss any keyword research issues you may be having, including what you should bid on and shouldn’t.
  • Provide strategies you can implement to build a list for your site.

To book us, please use the contact us form on this site located here: Contact Us

Why Choose PPC Coach?

Buying Ebooks, Courses & Going To Seminars Is Great…BUT

When it comes down to actually starting up your campaign, whether you’re a business owner or affiliate marketer. You are going to have questions that they didn’t cover the learning material you bought. That’s where this site comes in. You get access to myself and a very large group of Pay Per Click marketing professionals to help you, support you, coach you and answer all your questions on the largest Pay Per Click dedicated forums on the internet! (Now with over 140,000 posts).

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Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Have a read through our blog or use this search powered by Google to find exactly what you’re looking for right now. We’ve been around for over 3 years now and the site has a metric ton of content on it. So use the search to find exactly what you want.