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Facebook Ads & T-shirts?


So the craziest “fad” I learned about back in December of 2013 was running facebook ad campaigns to sell t-shirts. At first I thought my buddy Jeremy was pulling my leg. Turns out he wasn’t at all. It’s been almost a year now that I’ve been doing this and it’s working so well I’m still in shock!

People do buy things from Facebook. I used to think that there was no way people on a social network would ever whip out a credit card and buy something. I was of the incorrect opinion that only Google Adwords worked for physical product sales. Boy was I wrong. I now not only do this stuff daily but I teach others how to as well.

Jeremy and I have put together a wicked training course for this. However, why not join our free webinar first? We go over the exact system I use daily to make a pretty good living selling t-shirts to the masses.

If you’re interested, go here: Free Training Webinar It’s a 100% free webinar, all training, so go get your spot now!

Facebook Ads & T-shirts?

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