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How Much Money Do I Need To Start With PPC?

how much do i need to start ppc campaignsI get this question a lot.  There’s a lot of people who want to get into paying per click, but then don’t want to buy anything more then $2 per day in traffic!  It seems counter productive to me.  If you want to buy traffic, you need to spend money to make money.  Nothing in life is free.  Even SEO, the holy grail of “free” traffic is not really free at all.  It takes time and money to do SEO properly.  Which is why so many fail at SEO.  They think it’s a do it yourself endeavour.  I’ve learned over the years it’s far from that.

Anyhow, I made this post on Warrior Forum, which is a great free resources for learning internet marketing:

Is $___ Enough To Start With Pay Per Click, Facebook Ads, Plenty Of Fish or PPV/CPV Marketing?

I originally made a post about this on the PPC Coach members only forum and I seemed to have scared some people away with it. They quit after reading it realizing that they really do need to spend money to make money. So the above post clarifies this for everyone. You can start small as long as you reinvest back into your campaigns. You don’t go from zero to $100 per day overnight unless you have a large budget and a high risk tolerance. Most take it one step at a time. It’s the walk before you run thing.

So my goal is to have anyone who asks that question in the future to go read that thread. I answers it as clearly as possible. I thought I’d post it here on the PPC Coach blog because it’s worth a post of its own. I hope you get some value out of it and please do particpate in that thread or post any questions you have here. Going from $5 per day to $100 per day is possible. But if you want to make $100 per day, you’re going to have be spending at least $200 per day to get there. $200 would be in revenue and $100 profit, $100 to cover costs.

Everyone has to start somewhere so if you’re new to the pay per click or buying traffic game, go slow and build your budget up over time.

How Much Money Do I Need To Start With PPC?

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