Affiliate Marketing Edition

Now Featuring Social Ads Tool

If You Use Facebook Ads, You Need To Watch The Demo Below

This tool is simply the best Facebook Ads Tool you can get. Well you can get it on your own if you currently spend £100,000 per month with Facebook Ads. (That works out to about $160,000 USD per month). For most affiliate marketers, that is FAR beyond their reach. BUT not anymore. We have a licensing deal with Social Ads Tool whereby all PPC Coach members can use the Social Ads Tool. Did you watch the video? This tool does it all. It does tracking, optimization, reporting, bulk ad upload, (100 at a time), day parting and your dishes.

With this tool, you can have it optimize your Facebook Ads campaigns fully & automatically. You can tell it that you want to spend $5 per ad maximum and it will then pause any ad that reaches that amount automatically for you. You can tell it that you want your ROI to be between 40% and 100% and it will pause any ads that don’t automatically. You can even say you want a 2% conversion rate on an ad and it will automatically pause any ads that do not do that. That alone is more then worth it. If you’re running Facebook Ads traffic you NEED this system. It’s not free though, they charge a small percentage of your monthly ad spend for access to it and access is only available to PPC Coach members.

Big software companies do NOT want to be dealing with small accounts. They prefer to deal with a few large ones, (sound like Google Adwords?). So if you’re a small fish, you used to have trouble getting access to systems and tools that only big spenders or agencies or corporations got. Not anymore. By handling the majority of the support and training right here on the PPC Coach forums, we made it possible for members to get access. Our support & training plus their awesome tool equals you being able to do more campaigns faster and with perfect optimization. This is not some rinky dink software system. It’s the real deal. It utilizes Facebooks API system and is just plain awesome. People are joining PPC Coach JUST for access to this tool alone. They’re pleasantly surprised when the enter the forums and see over 130,000 posts and a community full of awesome members who are more then willing to help out.

Ridiculous Money Making Headline Goes Here

Why PPC Coach Is Different

Hi, my name is Will, I own PPC Coach. Thanks for visiting us. I wanted to write this introduction so you know a bit about my site before you join. First, I’m anti hype. I know I’m supposed to promise you something fantastic here and do up videos showing proof of my income in hopes that you’ll get so excited that you’ll join my site right now. BUT that’s not my style. I’m different from every other training site owner and definitely different from those online marketing guru’s who promise you’ll make $32,345.35 in 2 days using their fantastic new system without lifting a finger. I’m sure you have those emails in your inbox right now promising you the world without any effort. I’m here to tell you the truth.

The truth is you will have to work your butt off. You will fail more times then you succeed and if you make it past the 14 day trial I offer, you might end up making money online. I say “might” because I don’t know you.

I don’t know if you’re a hard worker or a lazy person. I don’t know if you’ve tried making money online yet or are brand new to it. I don’t know anything about you so I can’t tell if you’re going to make it or not. The truth is also that most of you will not make it and the fact of the matter is, it’s going to be YOUR fault.

Geez, how about I depress you some more? That’s not the way to make sales is it? No, it’s not, but i’m different. I don’t need you join. I’ll be fine if you don’t. If you’re a quitter, I’d prefer you don’t even bother signing up for my training. I don’t like people who quit for the lamest reasons. This site has been around for over 3 years now. I have trained almost 10,000 affiliate marketers now. I show you everything you need to know and then provide a place for you to ask questions and get answers on my members only forums which currently has over 136,000 posts, (yes that’s a lot of question and answers). I have a lot of people that have been through my site and are now millionaires. I’ve got members who are now hundred thousandaires and I’ve got members who failed miserably. I don’t know which one you’re going to be, but if you’re up for some hard work and willing to learn, I’d love to attempt to help you.

PPC Coach Newsletter Signup

Grab Your Complimentary Copy of The Beginners Guide To PPC Now!

Beginners Guide To PPC by PPC CoachWould you like to get your hands on a free report that can teach you everything you need to know about creating super effective Pay-Per-Click campaigns? The Beginners Guide To PPC is one of the most informative guides to get started with. You can download it now for free!

The Beginners Guide To PPC will explain everything there is to know about revamping your online business and getting your PPC Ads paying you back 10 to 100 times your original investment!

You’ll learn exactly what you should be doing in simple language. This is one free report that you will feel guilty not paying for. To access it, all you need to do is sign up to the PPC Coach Newsletter with the form below and we will send you the download link immediately to this 39 page guide.

Enter Your Name & Email Below

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PPC Coach “What’s Inside The Site” Videos

Have A Look At What’s Inside Now!

As you can see, we not only show you how to do PPC marketing, but we’ve added in a section dedicated to showing you how to build your budget with free traffic methods. We’ve also added in a Mobile Marketing Section and an Inline Text Ads Section. We’ve reorganized our gigantic forums to make it even easier to use. We’ve also got CPA Networks on board to help you not only get signed up, but show you great offers to promote, (even on the mobile side!)

We also have a help desk you can use at anytime for account review request, technical issue and anything that you do not want to post on the public forums. We’ve pretty much thought of everything and if we haven’t, we do take requests for material or tools seriously.

What we do is help you understand how to use Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, MSN Adcenter, Facebook Advertising and a couple other pay per click engines in a legitimate way. We are NOT a “get rich quick” site at all. If you join, you will see that it takes time and effort to make anything. You get what you put in and while we can show you everything we know and help you along the way, only you can determine whether you actually do the work required.

One of the biggest benefits of the site is the community you become a part of. Ever try talking to your friends/family or spouse about pay per click marketing? Do you notice their eyes glazing over from boredom? Not here, we speak your language and sometimes talking shop helps get the creative juices flowing!

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