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Webinar Replay :: MaxBounty & PPC Coach Email Submits

The webinar was a tremendous success! We had almost a full house for this one and the question and answer period went on for about 1.5 hours. There was a lot of people on the webinar, but several did miss it due to it being about 2:00 am where they live. I don’t blame them for not staying up that late! So we proudly present the webinar replay below:

Make sure you view it in full screen mode and yes I am aware the for about the first 15 minutes my screen was frozen.  Something was glitching with Gotowebinars interface, but I did fix it and the screen does show properly after that.  I apologize for that glitch.  The audio does work fine for the entire webinar.

Even on the webinar we had request for a replay that people could pause and rewind as they built out their campaigns. Well here you go. It’s on youtube so you can view at anytime and pause and rewind it as you please. If you have any questions on anything in there, let us know in the comments below.

Webinar Replay :: MaxBounty & PPC Coach Email Submits

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